innovative and stylish products from the Dining & Lifestyle and Bath & Wellness segments, we have been creating moments and rooms to feel good in since 1748. Our success is based on the passion, design
innovative and stylish products from the Dining & Lifestyle and Bath & Wellness segments, we have been creating moments and rooms to feel good in since 1748. Our success is based on the passion, design
innovative and stylish products from the Dining & Lifestyle and Bath & Wellness segments, we have been creating moments and rooms to feel good in since 1748. Our success is based on the passion, design
innovative and stylish products from the Dining & Lifestyle and Bath & Wellness segments, we have been creating moments and rooms to feel good in since 1748. Our success is based on the passion, design
) Darauf kannst Du Dich freuen: Als Mitglied unseres Geschäftsbereiches Einkauf & Design verantwortest Du alle Themen rund um das Order- und Bestandsmanagement in Absprache mit dem Leiter Einkauf
und hochwertige Designs zu kreieren, die aktuelle Markttrends aufgreifen und die Bedürfnisse unserer Kund*innen erfüllen. Ein zentraler Bestandteil unseres Erfolgs ist ein effektives Supply-Chain-Management